From its humble beginnings as a mercantile company to its growth as a successful yet philanthropic organization, the RM Group has been a story of steady growth, but not without the anchor of values it imbibed from its patriarch, Babulalji Jain.
More than thirty years after his death, Babulalji remains a role model for his sons and for the RM Group. A man of honesty and impeccable ethics, his life spanned India’s pre-independence days till the late eighties as he overcame trials and tribulations, garnering admiration, and accolades along the way. His reputation even today is a testament to his business vision and the meaningful impact of his work in the Jain community.
The RM Group has followed in his footsteps, even as they have forged new paths for the business and for the growing members of their family. This memoir provides a glimpse of the events that shaped the man and the company, from his childhood and early education in the thirties to his rise as a figurehead of his community and his brush with politics.
Written with a comprehensive view and peppered with first-hand recollections by his children, A Wealth of Values presents the engaging journey of one of the most prolific businessmen of Bhopal, whose unique vision, vigorous pursuit of excellence, and deep sense of purpose are reflected in the RM Group today.
The Story of RM Group
Born and Made in Bhopal
Made possible by:
Chandrakanta Jain
Mahendra Jain
Dr. Anjali Jain
Sunil Jain
Rakesh Jain
Animesh Jain V
aidant Jain Syed
Conceptualized and delivered in October 2021 by:
UIConnect team ( including:
Aanchal Sodhani: Research
Anita Pai Raiturkar: Writer
Bhagyaraja Swamy: Coordination
Parag Sapre: Design
Thiru S.: Design/ Photo Edits
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